Ask Ms Ida!

Ask Ms Ida!

Monday, August 3, 2009


And so it seems that July just started and here it is August already. New starts begin tomorrow morning! Three of the students took their mini-boards and have officially left me. I am proud of each of them and feel confident that they can go far if they just relax and believe in themselves.

The class size has been growing lately which is a good sign. I much prefer teaching a larger group than a small one. Not a huge group mind you but a good 15-20 students seems perfect. Currently I have 17 students I think so that is great.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. It won't be long now and we will be looking at Christmas around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Time definitely flies! I wanted to give you an updated on my hair color. This week, I am going to warm up the dark, dark, neutral brown with some highlights/lowlights. I have talked to my stylist about the previous mishap, and so we aren't going light, just warmer. I am excited because I have finally gotten around to having a professional do it.
    I will let you know how to turns out.
